Over the last couple of weeks Google have made some fairly big changes to their algorithm, one of these is that your website might be given a penalty if it is ‘over optimised’. That’s right this is a bit of a ‘game changer’ to coin a phrase.
So what can you do about it?
Here are a few bullet points (the way we like to display our tips to you, quick and easy to read):
- Remove links to your site from footers or site-wide links.
- If your webpage has stuffed keywords, cut them down. You only really need to mention the keyword once or twice max.
- Are you linking out from every keyword on your page? Stop it and just do it once.
- Stop focusing on your keywords but more on words related to your keywords.
So what can you do?
- Content, write unique quality content. It doesn’t have to be war and peace but something good.
- Make sure your content is for the reader, not for the search engines.
- Use spell check, typos happen to the best of us so use this handy tool.
A list of the important changes to Google Algorithm in March for SEO are here, we will be creating another one for April too. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook to be alerted or use our RSS feed.