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Juicy SEO Monthly Report for May 2015

Keeping up with the goings on in the world of online marketing and in particular SEO can be quite draining and very time consuming. But never fear as we have once again squished all the important news and changes from Google and the other search engines into our quick...

Google’s Quality Update – NEW!

There has been a lot of speculation since the start of May that one or more of Google’s algorithms has had an update. The reason is that there has been a lot unusual ranking movements over the last few weeks which were not expected, out of the ordinary....

Smartphones are now more popular than desktop computers

Some interesting news came out of Google this week which if you have been reading our SEO blogs and social media posts you won’t be too shocked to hear. Google have confirmed that they are now serving more searches on smartphones than on desktop computers. I...

Mobilegeddon is here! Save the World!

Mobliegeddon, it’s a great word isn’t it? It sounds like the world is going to end for mobiles or something, very dramatic! However this is not going to happen so you can relax in the knowledge you will still be able to play Candy Crush on your tablet. In...

Honda’s Interactive Video Advert

Every now and again a new bit of technology is used to put a different spin on performing a task. It could be new type of cork screw for example, the original one did a good job but the new version is MUCH better! The same thing happens in online marketing and online...

Facebook Event Alerts

A new feature that is currently being rolled out by Facebook is the option to be alerted by the pages you follow for events they are holding. For some reason this new feature hasn’t had the fanfare launch of other new functions so you might not know about it....