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Bing challenges Google in the War of Maps

Bing is now starting to show it’s results of street mapping in the UK. Earlier this year Bing announced they were going to send out cameras in the UK to map out the road for their Streetside application. Bing are basically following Googles lead on their...

Online advertising to increase

Interactive marketing is reported to increase to $77b a year by 2016. It will also over take TV advertising and will be the most important forms of advertising for the future. If you are not looking into online advertising we suggest you should, you don’t need...

Facebook Germany unlike

The German state of Schlewsing-Holstein have declared that ‘likes’ from facebook are to be removed from all websites. They say that it violates strict privacy laws in the country. If removal of the ‘like’ buttons are not done the maximum fine...

SEO Explained

Search Engine Optimisation – SEO What is seo? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation which is essentially tweaking your website to highlight your keywords so search engines like Google and Bing value your website well for those keywords. One of the main...

Cheap SEO

Fantastic News! Juicy SEO is offering an limited time introductory offer. The idea is for you to try us out so we can show you what we can do for your website. This is ideal for small websites as the cost is very low and you are not committing yourself to further...

Case Study Telonic Instruments

The results we have achieved with the Telonic Instruments campaign has been very successful. Our keyword analysis was perfectly managed and provides quality visitors to their site every day.     As you can see for this keyword started on the...